Show Your Team That You Care

Give the Gift of Dr. B’s Stress Relief Secrets

Stress levels are at an all-time high. The pandemic, economic uncertainty and a divided nation all contribute to illness, absenteeism, short tempers and lack of job satisfaction.
We all know stress impacts performance, yet we continue to stay stressed because we don’t know how to deal with it productively moment-by-moment.

This 50-minute workshop offers:

  • Effective exercises to reduce stress instantly
  • A simple technique to regain focus when overwhelmed
  • Valuable insight to immediately improve quality of life
  • Practical tools to move from worry to effective problem-solving 

Gather the people you work with every day for an engaging, hands-on experience that will lift performance, create satisfaction and deepen relationships.

This workshop can be delivered in-person or online. 

Show them You Care

Give your team the gift of a stress reducing workshop
with Dr. Ben Bernstein (aka “The Stress Doctor”).

Dr. B

Dr. Ben Bernstein is a Performance Psychologist, educator and the author of four books on how stress affects performance. For the last four decades he has been coaching CEO’s athletes, doctors, lawyers and students at all levels to improve their performance by reducing their stress. He is a keynote speaker and frequent guest lecturer at conferences and universities worldwide.

“Our sales team has been stressed! With COVID, the downturn in sales, politics and fires. 2020 has been a rough year. Dr. B was a wonderful gift for our team. Dr. B is smart, funny, professional and has many great tools to share. The team members were delighted. I received many enthusiastic responses, thanking me for sharing Dr. B. If you are concerned about your workforce and are looking for a way to share a positive message as well as very constructive tools, I strongly recommend Dr. B’s stress reducing webinar.”

– Trish Mitchell,
Stylist and Team Leader, J. Hilburn

Partial list of possible topics

“Sport-Psychology in the Business World”

“Dealing with Stress Post-Pandemic”

“Worrying Hurts Your Business”

“What You Can Offer Others Right Now”

“Reduce Your Stress, Improve Your Performance”

“Wow, What a Great Dentist Visit!”

“I Hate Tests! How to Ace Them Anyway”

“The Three-Legged Stool: A Model for Success”

“Lighten Up! Have Fun in the Office”

The next step

Schedule a no-obligation discovery call with Dr. B. to explore how you can apply the Bernstein Performance Model to your work and in other ways the program can benefit you. Let's unlock the keys to your peak performance, elevate the results you deliver to your clients, and enhance your business!