Insights & Tips
January 10, 2021

It’s worthwhile to be helpful and to please others, but this can lead to not knowing what’s good for you. If you’re too busy to devote time to activities that contribute to your own healthy balance, that may be a sign that you need to say “No” to some requests that come your way. Practice saying, “No” (or “Not right now,” or “I’ll think about it”) to involvements that might put you into a state of imbalance.

Doing your part to prevent the spread of Covid-19 is a timely way of showing your compassion for your family, friends and colleagues. Wearing a mask, maintaining social distance, not participating in large gatherings, and following CDC guidelines are the small but essential actions each of us can easily take on a daily basis. Doing your part is exceptionally important. And gently encourage your friends and family to be vigilant and caring.

January 1st kicks off a rush of new resolutions. But by mid-February many of these may be abandoned. Resolutions are goals, and creating SMART goals can work for you! SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-based. Setting SMART goals keeps you focused and on track. Take some time this week to reflect on what you want to achieve and set small goals as the stepping stones towards reaching the larger ones.

For the New Year, Boston Dynamics (a Google subsidiary in Waltham, MA) has created a video of dancing robots! Brighten your day and shake your groove along with these agile dancers! Check out the link here
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